Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

To The Man I Wanna Hug So Much

Hello there,

I don’t know what I’m thinking right now and I can’t tell you the reason I’m writing this.
I’m so drunk I can’t even open my eyes to see what sentences I’m arranging here.
You are the man I want to hug so much.
You are the man I want to hug in every single laugh I burst, so you can hear my laughter fill your ear.
You are the man I want to hug in every single tear I cry, so you can feel my teardrops falling onto your shoulder.
You are the man I want to hug in every single song we sing with every single step we dance.
Under the burning sun or through the pouring rain.
You are the man I want to hug so much. Just to listen to this arrhytmic heartbeats carefully I wished you could repair it.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to feel sorry. No need any of your signed prescription. I’m getting well as soon as possible. As soon as you hug me.
And please, please, please, please, please..
Don’t ever think to cheat on me. Just don’t. Or I would hug you so closely I could crush you to the bones.

Table 7, SKHnR.

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